I connected the GPS (Global Positioning System) to a game of pinball. I also made an acronym “Guaranteed Problems Sometimes” to make people aware that there are possible errors that can occur in a GPS and it is also a warning to also use one’s judgement rather than solely listening to the device giving instructions. So the beginning of the game starts off by explaining how the GPS works on a basic level, and the road signs explain this further. Ground stations send signals to satellites that orbit space which then sends signals to receivers in devices, like a phone, which then calculates the distance from four or more of the satellites and uses that information to determine one’s location. Then one must choose which app or platform of GPS whether that be Waze, Google Maps, the app that Apple provides, etc. Then one either eventually makes it to their destination in a safe and timely manner, which in this case would be considered the winner of the game, or that said person may run into some problems or errors. Some of these errors may include Automation Bias like in Death Valley how they have come up with the term “Death by GPS” as people just focus on the instructions given to them by their device instead of trusting their instincts. There could also be errors within the system itself, or flaws in the app for example Waze is meant to avoid traffic but now with so many users all being re-routed to the same place this idea isn’t so achievable anymore. All of these scenarios would be considered the losers of the game.