
Blind Trust Unessay

I chose to do my unessay about machine learning and algorithms. I thought the Cognition chapter in New Dark Age was really interesting because we rely so heavily on technology, yet we hardly understand the inner workings of it. Specifically, I was interested in the parts where Bridle discussed examples of mistakes made in machine learning that took so long for humans to catch because they cannot look inside to see the process. I decided to make an animated short video about these limitations of machine learning and the algorithms it produces, and offer an alternative metaphor. In the video, I lay out my thought process for why machine learning should be referred to as “Blind Trust”. I explain the meaning behind this metaphor and how this will help the general public to better understand the algorithms we use in everyday life, how they are created, and their limitations.

My “Blind Trust” video is in the Unessay section of Yuja.

Blind Trust Unessay Video