
Site #1- Solar Panels

There are solar panels on top of the roof on my middle school school building. First, in 2009 a 50 KwH Photovoltaic System was introduced at the lower campus, and provides about 33% of their power needs. In the summer 90% of the lower campus power requirements are met through the solar energy created from these panels. Since then more solar panels have been installed at the upper campus. While solar panels are definitely a step in the right direction, they are extremely costly, they take up space and are weather dependent.

Site #2- Cell Tower

This cell tower is located next to a “park and ride” and the high school. It is supposed to look like a tree but it is obviously a cell tower. This verizon cell tower helps expand network coverage and capacity in our town. The provider wants to put another tower in the town, however there has been some backlash. A lot of people do not like cell towers as they are very tall and considered an eyesore and wonder how that affects property values, and other people in the town say it is dangerous and would bring more commercial traffic to our town. But at the same time, the cell coverage in our town is very poor and I wonder what if a new tower would greatly improve the coverage.

Site #3- Data Center

I have passed by a sign that says, “vXchnge: Chappaqua Data Center” a million times but have never really understood (prior to this class) what a data center was or meant. I have since learned that it’s computer systems and other associated systems in a building or part of a building that allows for certains jobs like collecting or distributing or allowing access to large amounts of data to large amounts of people or to different communities. vXchnge Holdings, LLC. owns this data center, and is said to be “well equipped to support your lifeline services.”

vXchnge. “Chappaqua Edge Data Center: New York Colocation.” VXchnge,

Site #4- Wind Turbine Generator

This Wind Turbine Generator is on my way to Rhode Island. I think wind turbine generators are a really interesting topic because I think it is so cool that they are able to turn mechanical energy into electrical energy. Except there is controversy with these turbines as some people feel that they are an eyesore. When placed in the bodies of water fishermen have complained that it ruins the fishing in that area, and there have also been cases of birds flying into the turbines. Brian Driscoll of Phoenix Press owns the land that the turbine is on, as well as the turbine itself. The people who receive clean energy from the turbine benefit, while others, like fishermen, may not be benefiting.