Week 11 - Project work#
Class this week will be a mix of structured activities and unstructured work time to advance your project’s progress.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024#
- icebreaker:
- Wireframing + rapid prototyping
- What are your pieces of content? What pages? Visualizations?
- How do you want to organize/structure your site?
- What affordances do you want your site to have?
- Think back to some of the projects we looked at this term. What did you like or dislike?
- WordPress
Due for Thursday:#
- Prepare 500 words of text for peer review on Thursday. Post to your site for your classmates to view.
Thursday, April 4, 2024#
- Icebreaker:
Essay content peer review time!
- Gaby, Dev, Willy
- Rose, Catherine, AJ
- Margaret, Robert, Adele
- Maneli, Molly, Alana
- Elias, Julianna, Zach
Peer review process:
- Think of 1-2 questions you have for your peer reviewer.
- Before discussing, take time to carefully read their text.
- Your discussion should address the following:
- What is the role of this text in the project?
- Is it clear? Can you understand it at a sentence level and a project level?
- What questions do you have about this topic? What do you want to see answered in this project?
- Where does this text go on the website? Any suggestions?
- How can you help answer the questions of the project creator?
Week 11 Assignments - Due Tuesday at 12pm#
Blog post #11#
In preparation to present your project in class, draft a 5 minute talk. You have an option when turning this in! It can be a blog post or an audio or video file that you turn in via Canvas. It can be hard to say everything you want to say in 5 minutes! Try to address the following:
- What is your project about? What are your research questions?
- Why did you select this topic?
- Where is the data from? What challenges did you face finding data or doing research on this topic?
- What did you learn about your topic? How did the analysis methods help? What did you learn about digital culture and information as it relates to your topic?
- What would you do differently OR what are the future directions of this project?
- Due Tuesday at 12pm.
- Can be a WordPress post, or an audio/video file submitted directly on Canvas.
- Should be the equivalent of 5 minutes of speaking.
- Free from grammatical errors, typos.
- Credit and link out to sources when appropriate. I won't require that you use a certain citation style, but you should be in the habit of crediting sources and using in-text links. If you feel better about using a formal citation style, go for it!